astroberkman17: He must have been an admiral
astroberkman17: remember Charlie Mops 1 2 3 4 5
astroberkman17: for five short seconds,
astroberkman17: so all ye lads a lasses
astroberkman17: at eleven O'clock ye stop
astroberkman17: by the name of Charlie Mops
astroberkman17: And he invented
astroberkman17: a wonderful drink
astroberkman17: and he made it out of hops
astroberkman17: And he call'd for his Bowle,
astroberkman17: And he call'd for Fidler's three;
astroberkman17: Chemical Lungs
astroberkman17: Skyline of Desperation
astroberkman17: The cloud factory
astroberkman17: Mirror Mirror on the Building
astroberkman17: Clocktower
astroberkman17: Streetside
astroberkman17: EXIT ONLY
astroberkman17: OH THE POWER!!
astroberkman17: Lounging about
astroberkman17: Lines of light
astroberkman17: DSC_1467
astroberkman17: Heaven on Earth
astroberkman17: Heaven on Earth