Feroze Alam:
The Mean Season
Feroze Alam:
The Actress
Feroze Alam:
TBA Showreel
Feroze Alam:
The Metro Centre
Feroze Alam:
The Metro Centre
Feroze Alam:
The Metro Centre
Feroze Alam:
supermax monoliths
Feroze Alam:
Existential overview
Feroze Alam:
Bullets, Batons & Tasers
Feroze Alam:
The Candidates II
Feroze Alam:
Surveillance States
Feroze Alam:
The Vindication of Edward Snowden
Feroze Alam:
Exterminate All The Brutes (cropped)
Feroze Alam:
The Chattels of Leopold II
Feroze Alam:
Exterminate All The Brutes
Feroze Alam:
The Legacy of Scientific Racism
Feroze Alam:
Collateral Murder
Feroze Alam:
Modernist Animism
Feroze Alam:
Modernist Genocide
Feroze Alam:
Fugue State
Feroze Alam:
St. George
Feroze Alam:
Uturupa/ Utopia
Feroze Alam:
Apoplexy Now
Feroze Alam:
Trident Nuclear Landscape II
Feroze Alam:
Crystallised Plume
Feroze Alam:
Feroze Alam:
Social Darwinist Flat Plan
Feroze Alam:
Notes on scientific racism
Feroze Alam:
Notes on scientific racism
Feroze Alam:
A Genealogy of Scientific racism: From Graeco-Roman antiquity to The Bell Curve