astha shrestha: <shy><shy>
astha shrestha: trying to concentrate....
astha shrestha: hanuman..... yea whith a tail..
astha shrestha: lost in my own world..
astha shrestha: will u take my picture pliizz?
astha shrestha: cotton candy and dady's hand
astha shrestha: eesmaailll pleeeezzzz... :)
astha shrestha: hard to think with all those ppl staring at me...
astha shrestha: dancing to the paparazzi....
astha shrestha: monkey climb...
astha shrestha: traditional band..
astha shrestha: the strongest bond...
astha shrestha: a member od the traditional band...
astha shrestha: look back and smile please...
astha shrestha: one old face in the crowd..
astha shrestha: getting high... literally.......
astha shrestha: parade view through my lens..
astha shrestha: ladies waiting their turn....
astha shrestha: ladies performing rituals on teej in Pahsupatinath.....
astha shrestha: "sketch me please....." "sure :)"
astha shrestha: ladies performing rituals on teej in Pahsupatinath..
astha shrestha: Rose and a rose..
astha shrestha: let me rest some..
astha shrestha: getting painted.. not inked...
astha shrestha: how much can you care for each other?? how much can you love each other??
astha shrestha: Colorful crowd...
astha shrestha: Kumari..