Aster-oid: At the port
Aster-oid: As Greek as it gets
Aster-oid: Just an other day on Aeghina
Aster-oid: Drop... drop... dropped...
Aster-oid: The "Welcome to Aeghina" snapshot
Aster-oid: It's not a Greek island, unless you see octopuses drying in the sun...
Aster-oid: PUMA
Aster-oid: The poppy
Aster-oid: Steps - do you really know where they 'll take you? And... do you even care?
Aster-oid: Aeghina, my way
Aster-oid: About red
Aster-oid: B&R on B
Aster-oid: The powers that be
Aster-oid: L' Italiana in Egina
Aster-oid: The attention grabber
Aster-oid: "What do you think you are doing, you, yellow, sneaky piece of...?"
Aster-oid: Sealed with a kiss
Aster-oid: For God's sake... If they only stopped talking for a minute... just one minute!..
Aster-oid: Framed
Aster-oid: Sometimes the only thing to do is to start looking at everything again until you forget what you're supposed to see & actually see what's there...
Aster-oid: The perfect tempest
Aster-oid: Violet explosion
Aster-oid: March 25 - Greece Independence Day
Aster-oid: The man at the window
Aster-oid: Preludio a un atardecer
Aster-oid: A face for Spring
Aster-oid: Liquid blue...
Aster-oid: To warm up Gretta
Aster-oid: Sunset colors were coming in waves
Aster-oid: Fly free...