Aster-oid: "Rebellion is the only thing that keeps you alive"
Aster-oid: Hip Hop dancer's portrait
Aster-oid: The conversation
Aster-oid: The DJ
Aster-oid: Athens Voice
Aster-oid: Hip Hop dancer stretching...
Aster-oid: City kids 1
Aster-oid: City kids 2
Aster-oid: "The CONVERSE century starts today"
Aster-oid: The duo
Aster-oid: The security guard
Aster-oid: Running away (from a "CONVERSE CHUCKS" ad)
Aster-oid: Don't go on stage without them...
Aster-oid: Graffiti directions by phone
Aster-oid: The MARLBORO kiosk
Aster-oid: Is there any use at all for bars between you and me? I wonder...
Aster-oid: Hip Hop dancers warming up
Aster-oid: Concentration
Aster-oid: If only I could find my glasses, I 'd see who's sitting across me...
Aster-oid: The Hip Hop dancer
Aster-oid: Mythos (beer) and myth (of a woman waiting...)