Aster-oid: Preparing the ink fish
Aster-oid: Lighting the candles
Aster-oid: Hand contemplating
Aster-oid: The begging hand
Aster-oid: Frappe iced coffee time...
Aster-oid: Mending the nets
Aster-oid: Your cigarette
Aster-oid: While my guitar gently weeps...
Aster-oid: Mending the nets
Aster-oid: Street painting
Aster-oid: Valse hesitation
Aster-oid: Undecided
Aster-oid: The hand that plays the guitar
Aster-oid: I only see fragments of the reality around me...
Aster-oid: "Children died, the days grew cold, a piece of bread could buy a bag of gold..."
Aster-oid: Free Werner!..
Aster-oid: The tower
Aster-oid: His girl
Aster-oid: Champagne time
Aster-oid: It's a guy thing...
Aster-oid: "Butter me up!"
Aster-oid: The last hurrah!
Aster-oid: Cobalt blue
Aster-oid: Hold on to it
Aster-oid: The bait
Aster-oid: The bass
Aster-oid: Smoke gets in your eyes
Aster-oid: The book on the beach
Aster-oid: Busy hands