Aster-oid: Potomac river in the afternoon
Aster-oid: Low flight over the Potomac river
Aster-oid: Duly honored - but, still... a number...
Aster-oid: Elegance has a way of defying darkness...
Aster-oid: The very first Lincoln appearance
Aster-oid: Pink roses for the fallen in Vietnam
Aster-oid: Along the Vietnam Memorial
Aster-oid: Union Station
Aster-oid: Fly away from all... free at last!
Aster-oid: At rest...
Aster-oid: Over a river of gold
Aster-oid: Long flight to Oulu, Finland, begins!
Aster-oid: Inside the Lincoln Memorial...
Aster-oid: At the entrance of Lincoln Memorial...
Aster-oid: Between the entrance pillars...
Aster-oid: "Who should I vote for?"
Aster-oid: 8 + 1
Aster-oid: Red and thorny
Aster-oid: Airborne patrol...
Aster-oid: Washington squirrel...
Aster-oid: Union Station ceiling
Aster-oid: Sentinels ever-awake
Aster-oid: Washington city light(s)
Aster-oid: Life as a tree - in Arlington
Aster-oid: I remember Martin Luther King