Aster-oid: A Cycladic touch in downtown Athens
Aster-oid: "When I grow up, I know what I wanna be: Spooky!!!"
Aster-oid: Mont Lycabette
Aster-oid: Cycladic steps in downtown Athens
Aster-oid: Ochra vs. white
Aster-oid: New leaf
Aster-oid: Lifeless
Aster-oid: St. Symeon of Anafi... in Athens
Aster-oid: No roof
Aster-oid: Closed & sealed
Aster-oid: Hometown nostalgia
Aster-oid: "Welcome!.."
Aster-oid: Under the Acropolis
Aster-oid: The passage
Aster-oid: House entrance
Aster-oid: Autumn tree reflection
Aster-oid: Reading corner