Aster-oid: Flying solo
Aster-oid: Flying in harmony
Aster-oid: Peer pressure
Aster-oid: Sur une base de bleu absolu
Aster-oid: Travel companion
Aster-oid: "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"
Aster-oid: Vertical and horizontal separation
Aster-oid: "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" - in color
Aster-oid: Between masts
Aster-oid: I 'm a seagull and I 'm proud of it!..
Aster-oid: Surely fresh? Go fish for yourself!
Aster-oid: Singing back to Georgina's gull
Aster-oid: The upside down "T" formation
Aster-oid: Attack formation
Aster-oid: Möwe-am-Rhein
Aster-oid: Heavy landing
Aster-oid: The star on stage
Aster-oid: Le pas suspendu de la gavotte
Aster-oid: Fly west!
Aster-oid: Low flight over the Potomac river
Aster-oid: Elegance has a way of defying darkness...
Aster-oid: Fly away from all... free at last!
Aster-oid: At rest...
Aster-oid: Over a river of gold
Aster-oid: Long flight to Oulu, Finland, begins!
Aster-oid: Seagulls... Greek ones... Definitely!
Aster-oid: The blue fence
Aster-oid: Flying on/in/to/from black
Aster-oid: "Hey... Welcome, pal!.. Join us, will you?"