ast2009: Parade of turtles
ast2009: For the kids
ast2009: Christmas commerce is not yet busy...
ast2009: Market Square in the center of Helsinki
ast2009: Hand Made
ast2009: Soon you will need these...
ast2009: Fruits
ast2009: Havis Amanda under the November sky
ast2009: The heart of Helsinki
ast2009: Heavy clouds
ast2009: House of the Supreme Court in Helsinki
ast2009: The heart of Helsinki
ast2009: In the Market Square in Helsinki
ast2009: Chinese tourists
ast2009: In the harbour
ast2009: Late afternoon in Helsinki
ast2009: The four artists
ast2009: The Jackdaw came to say hello...
ast2009: In the Market Place in Helsinki
ast2009: In the Market Place in Helsinki
ast2009: Asparagus
ast2009: Vegetables
ast2009: Selling flowers
ast2009: In the Market Square
ast2009: Crêpes in the sunshine