ast2009: Constructions on the roof
ast2009: Scene from Meilahti, Helsinki
ast2009: View from the church door in Meilahti
ast2009: Meilahti Manor in Helsinki
ast2009: Washing the street
ast2009: Cow Parsleys
ast2009: Purple lythrum
ast2009: Purple lythrum
ast2009: Yellow Loosestrife
ast2009: Thistles
ast2009: Bird vetch (Vicia cracca)
ast2009: Boats at mooring
ast2009: Summer day
ast2009: "Tea for Two" by Kalle Hamm (2004)
ast2009: Open Arms (stone bench)
ast2009: Summer memories...
ast2009: Jasmine
ast2009: "Horses" by Gunnar Finne (1940)
ast2009: Field Maple (Acer campestre)
ast2009: Old wooden lodge
ast2009: Summer path
ast2009: Dreaming of summer...
ast2009: Foxglove
ast2009: Delicacies...
ast2009: Waiting his turn...
ast2009: On the terrace
ast2009: In the Cafe Tamminiemi
ast2009: Nature in the city
ast2009: Cow Parsley & Fireweed
ast2009: Path into the green wood...