ast2009: Restaurant Story
ast2009: Everyone wants hot soup...
ast2009: Restaurant Story
ast2009: In the Cafe Carusel
ast2009: Cafe Carusel on a windy day
ast2009: Restaurant at the Kaisankoti Spa in Espoo
ast2009: Restaurant Huviretki
ast2009: Breakfast time in Hotel Cumulus
ast2009: Waiting for wedding guests
ast2009: Bar & Café Hemingway’s
ast2009: Restaurant Huviretki
ast2009: Cafe Tyyni in the Hesperia Park
ast2009: Together
ast2009: Ice cream on a hot day
ast2009: On a hot day
ast2009: Breakfast room in the Westerby Gård Hotel
ast2009: Restaurant
ast2009: Cafe in the Töölö Market Place
ast2009: Cafe in the Hakaniemi Market Hall
ast2009: Restaurant terrace on a chilly day
ast2009: "Happines is like a garden..."
ast2009: On the terrace
ast2009: Cafe on the loft
ast2009: Lunch time
ast2009: First sunny day ( but temperature only +15ºC) ...
ast2009: Today chilly (+11ºC) and wet
ast2009: In the cafe
ast2009: Cafe Mieritz
ast2009: With dad in the cafe
ast2009: Cafe Torpanranta