ast2009: Goodbye Mariehamn and Aland!
ast2009: On their way
ast2009: Pilot boat is guiding our ship
ast2009: Heading in the same direction
ast2009: Sailing boats
ast2009: Summer memory
ast2009: Museum-ship Pommern
ast2009: Fresh strawberries in Mariehamn
ast2009: Old hanging candelabrum
ast2009: Old style Christmas decoration
ast2009: Old interior of the restaurant
ast2009: Stone goat in a park
ast2009: ”Ståtbådan” by Alvar Donner (1980)
ast2009: Blue faces
ast2009: Fountain in Mariehamn
ast2009: Church ship
ast2009: The top spire
ast2009: The cross
ast2009: St. George's Church in Mariehamn
ast2009: Anadyomene by Ukri Merikanto
ast2009: Waiting...
ast2009: The Esplanade in Mariehamn
ast2009: A fog bell as a memorial
ast2009: Seafarers' memorial in Mariehamn
ast2009: Flowers on the roadside
ast2009: Approaching Mariehamn
ast2009: Viking Cinderella in Mariehamn