ast2009: Gate of Kulosaari cemetery in Helsinki
ast2009: Kulosaari cemetery
ast2009: Cemetery chapel in Kulosaari
ast2009: In the Kulosaari cemetery
ast2009: The gaderners have a break...
ast2009: Pine tree
ast2009: Bird and a tiny angel
ast2009: Rowan flowers
ast2009: Rowan tree in bloom
ast2009: Lilies of the valley
ast2009: Kulosaari cemetery in Helsinki
ast2009: Migrating birds
ast2009: Lilacs
ast2009: Lawn
ast2009: Kulosaari cemetery in Helsinki
ast2009: A lonely bird
ast2009: Rhododendron
ast2009: Looking back to the chapel
ast2009: Route to the open sea
ast2009: Green vegetation on the seaside
ast2009: Herttoniemenranta in Helsinki
ast2009: Old trees in the Herttoniemi Manor Park
ast2009: Herttoniemi Manor
ast2009: An old tree
ast2009: Lanterns
ast2009: Old cottage
ast2009: Road between the old trees
ast2009: Tansies
ast2009: Old windmill
ast2009: Coffee break