ast2009: Tulip
ast2009: White and blue
ast2009: Primulas
ast2009: Opening
ast2009: Orchid
ast2009: Scarlet Star
ast2009: Dahlia
ast2009: Bush Rose
ast2009: Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus)
ast2009: Daisy
ast2009: Japanese spiraea (Spiraea japonica)
ast2009: African Daisies
ast2009: Pansies
ast2009: Heart's delight (Viola tricolor)
ast2009: Opening
ast2009: Desert Rose
ast2009: Joy of life...
ast2009: Amaryllis
ast2009: Christmas rose
ast2009: After the rain
ast2009: Sprawling Petunia opening on my balcony
ast2009: White rose
ast2009: Poppy
ast2009: The heart of the flower
ast2009: Fully open...
ast2009: Martagon (Turk’s cap lily)
ast2009: White and red columbine
ast2009: Burnet Rose
ast2009: Tiger Lily (Lilium lancifolium)
ast2009: Hawthorn