ast2009: Today chilly (+11ºC) and wet
ast2009: Rowan in bloom behind an oak
ast2009: Looking back to the chapel
ast2009: Route to the open sea
ast2009: View from the terrace
ast2009: Maple
ast2009: Uutelankanava (Uutela Canal)
ast2009: View from the terrace
ast2009: Zooming spring from my balcony
ast2009: Evening graphics...
ast2009: Sunrise
ast2009: Sun from behind the clouds
ast2009: Sunset in November
ast2009: Autumn in the Hesperia Park
ast2009: Receding rain
ast2009: Old and young Linden Tree
ast2009: Herttoniemenranta in Helsinki
ast2009: After the sunset
ast2009: Summer landscape
ast2009: Clouds
ast2009: Seaview
ast2009: In full bloom
ast2009: The sea is free from ice...
ast2009: No sitters...
ast2009: Cloud
ast2009: Sunset at the Lake Ruotsalainen
ast2009: View from the Heinola Esker
ast2009: Tähtisilta (Star Bridge)
ast2009: Large and small
ast2009: Tuomarinkylä Manor Park