ast2009: New leaves on the Maple
ast2009: Winter sunshine
ast2009: White Christmas
ast2009: Christmas trees for sale
ast2009: Should I take this one...?
ast2009: Time of dusk
ast2009: Snow on the branches
ast2009: Linden trees
ast2009: October sky
ast2009: Ruska (autumn foliage)
ast2009: Yellow carpet
ast2009: Autumn leaves begin to fall
ast2009: Young birch still green...
ast2009: Autumn maple
ast2009: Lots of berries
ast2009: Crow
ast2009: Autumn
ast2009: Oak tree
ast2009: Path
ast2009: Oak
ast2009: Autumn
ast2009: What is left of an old tree
ast2009: A pair of Thujas
ast2009: Old birch
ast2009: Old trees
ast2009: Laivarannanpuisto (Harbour Park)
ast2009: Evening light
ast2009: Double topped Linden tree
ast2009: Stock of an old tree
ast2009: A special kind of fir tree