~aspidistra~: 28/06/08
~aspidistra~: 13/07/08
~aspidistra~: 21/08/08 - Orchid (2)
~aspidistra~: 19/08/08 - Orchid
~aspidistra~: Remembrance Day
~aspidistra~: Just snowkeh!
~aspidistra~: Purplicious!
~aspidistra~: No winter lasts forever;
~aspidistra~: If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom.
~aspidistra~: Chives
~aspidistra~: In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.
~aspidistra~: Astrantia
~aspidistra~: magnolia
~aspidistra~: amelanchier berries - keep off pigeons!
~aspidistra~: Lysimachia
~aspidistra~: Coyness is nice...
~aspidistra~: Hellebore
~aspidistra~: Cherry blossom
~aspidistra~: From underneath - a tribute to alice.camel
~aspidistra~: Fritillaria meleagris
~aspidistra~: magnolia and bug
~aspidistra~: 12/08/08 - Agapanthus
~aspidistra~: In the bleak midwinter...
~aspidistra~: Coyness is nice, and coyness can stop you, from saying all the things in life you'd like to...
~aspidistra~: Rhododendron-keh
~aspidistra~: red rhodo-keh
~aspidistra~: White (with a hint of purple)