Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Programs Coordinator Adam McCurdy with golden eagle
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Programs Coordinator Adam McCurdy with golden eagle
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Brian Laidlaw & the Family Trade entertained the crowd!
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Enjoying the lawn at Hallam Lake
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Brian Laidlaw and the Family Trade
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Valen and Avery enjoying the party
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: ACES members enjoying the party
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: ACES members and staff enjoying the party
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: ACES members and staff enjoying the party
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: ACES members and staff enjoying the party
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: ACES members and staff enjoying the party
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: ACES members enjoying the party
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: ACES members and staff enjoying the party
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: ACES members and staff enjoying the party
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Brian Laidlaw and the Family Trade
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Members and former staff enjoying the party
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Members enjoying the party
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Members enjoying the party
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Members enjoying the party
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Sisters enjoying the evening!
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Members and staff enjoying the party
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Staffers Peter Arthur and Chris Cohen
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Aspen Brewing Company's Aspen Blonde
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: Members enjoying the party
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: ACES members and staff enjoying the party