aloharakesh: Memorial Altar
aloharakesh: Memorial Altar
aloharakesh: Freedom Bridge
aloharakesh: A pool shaped like Korea
aloharakesh: Imjingang railroad bridge
aloharakesh: Freedom Bridge
aloharakesh: Freedom Bridge
aloharakesh: Freedom Bridge
aloharakesh: Christine and Alex at Freedom Bridge
aloharakesh: Peace Bell
aloharakesh: Peace Bell
aloharakesh: Guard shack
aloharakesh: Peace Bell
aloharakesh: Peace Bell
aloharakesh: Alex looks at a model of the border
aloharakesh: Looking toward the north in the fog
aloharakesh: Looking toward the north in the fog
aloharakesh: Uscita
aloharakesh: Lobby of Microsoft office building in Seoul
aloharakesh: Winter decorations on a department store
aloharakesh: Knockoff city
aloharakesh: Flowers fit for a funeral
aloharakesh: Santa in front of Seoul McDonald's
aloharakesh: McDonald's
aloharakesh: Hello, Kitty!
aloharakesh: Making out in Korean
aloharakesh: Teenie Weenie
aloharakesh: Seoul subway map
aloharakesh: Dunkin Donuts are everywhere
aloharakesh: A briefing before the main event