denAsuncioner: Lycoperdon perlatum
denAsuncioner: Craterellus tubaeformis
denAsuncioner: Amanita muscaria
denAsuncioner: Ramariopsis kunzei
denAsuncioner: Craterellus cornucopioides and misc boletes
denAsuncioner: First bag - various boletes species, mainly birch variants
denAsuncioner: Cleaning lycoperdon perlatum
denAsuncioner: Boletes edulis, birch boletes and some unidentified ones to the left
denAsuncioner: Black chanterelle (craterellus cornucopioides)
denAsuncioner: Tubaeformis for risotto
denAsuncioner: Boletes edulis and birch boletes for cooking
denAsuncioner: Cooking boletes
denAsuncioner: Mixed chanterelle risotto and sauteed puffballs
denAsuncioner: OM NOM NOM
denAsuncioner: Can now be found everywhere!
denAsuncioner: Baby polypores
denAsuncioner: Woods
denAsuncioner: Today's loot
denAsuncioner: mushroom dinner #98980820933
denAsuncioner: cooking mushroom dinner #982089982008092
denAsuncioner: yellow chanterelle cream sauce
denAsuncioner: yellow chanterelle cream sauce
denAsuncioner: the end
denAsuncioner: Absolutely no infestation