@asikicollection.life: France - Nothing is more natural than to love your country
@asikicollection.life: My inspiration has always been based on everyday reality
@asikicollection.life: Photography is first of all about the emotion felt
@asikicollection.life: Let's enjoy the moment ...
@asikicollection.life: Screenshot asikiline Instagram
@asikicollection.life: Black and white photography is the one that tells adventures in color (Remy Donnadieu)
@asikicollection.life: A photograph has the power to raise buried memories.
@asikicollection.life: A touch of the past in Ketewel - Bali
@asikicollection.life: What photography reproduces endlessly happens only once.
@asikicollection.life: Photography is a brief complicity between foresight and chance.
@asikicollection.life: A photograph comes to life in a split second that dies
@asikicollection.life: A soulless photograph is a dream lost forever (Remy Donnadieu)
@asikicollection.life: The world is often naked but the photographer dresses it
@asikicollection.life: We do not capture an image with the eyes but with the heart