1964 Jerry Wrights 1st Communion, Grandma Dagmar Wright, Grandpa Oliver S. Wright, Grandma Kathrine McKeon, Betty Wright, Jerry Wright,Diane Wright, Sandra Wright, Susie Wright
1964 (proud of myself-I can names all of these kids and I was only three in this picture) Lorraine Gestwick,Kathleen McKeon,Jimmy McKeon,Diane Wright, David Gestwick, Debbie Gestwick, Sandy Wright,Susie Wright,Patricia McKeon, Jerry Wright, Betty Wright
1964 Jerry's 1st communion bottome row Sandy Wright, Sue Wright,Patricia McKeon, Jerry Wright, Betty Wright. Top-Lorraine Gestwick,Kathleen McKeon,Jimmy McKeon, Diane Wright, David Gestwick, Debbie Gestwick
1964 family and friends @Jerry Wright's 1st communion Top-Kathleen McKeon, James McKeon,Diane Wright, David Gestwick,Lorraine Gestwick,Bottom-Sandra Wright,Sue Wright,Patricia McKeon, Jerry Wright Betty Wright
1964 Gerald Wright's 1st Communion Top-Kathleen McKeon-O'Maram James McKeon,Diane Wright, David Gestwick, Lorraine Gestwick. Bottom-Sandra Wright-Levine,Sue Wright-Siegler, Patricia McKeon- Spinicchia Jerry Wright, Betty Wright-Langdon
1964 Jerry Wright's 1st communion Kathleen McKeon-O'Mara Jimmy McKeon, Diane Wright, David Gestwick, Lorraine Gestwick, Sandra Wright-Levine, Sue Wright-Siegler,Patricia McKeon-Spinicchia, Jerry, Betty Wright-Langdon
The family 1964 Jerry's 1st communion Oliver N Wright, Virginia McKeon-Wright, Diane Wright, Sue Wright-Siegler Jerry Wright
1964 Grandma Dagmar Schmitt-Wright Oliver S. Wright, Kathrine Seabeck-McKeon, Betty Wright-Langdon,Jerry Wright, Diane Wright, Sandra Wright-Levine, Sue Wright-Siegler