asiegler: Summer Fun 1974 Jerry Wright W/Uncle Ed McKeon and cousin Jimmy McKeon.
asiegler: 1974 Celebrating Diane's B Day w/ family. Betty Wright bringing cake to Diane Wright, Grandfather Oliver S Wright, Ollie Wright, Roy Hunt,
asiegler: more celebration for Diane's B Day w/camping friends Cindy Nesenoff , Diane Wright, Jill Nesenoff
asiegler: Celebrating Daines B Day while camping. Diane Wright, Pat Snyder Mary-Jo Snyder 1974
asiegler: Our boat The mermaid
asiegler: Our boat at Seaford
asiegler: Our boat at Seaford
asiegler: Jerry Wright HS senior picture 1974
asiegler: Diane Wright 1974
asiegler: Jerry Wright Mineola High School Class of 1974 Senior picture
asiegler: Jerry Wright high school senior picture 1974