asiegler: 1972 Sue Sking at Mt. Snow
asiegler: 1972 Skin Racing Sue Wright
asiegler: 1972 Ollie Wright turns 50. L to R. Dagmar Wright,Ed McKeon, Sue Wright, Olliver S. Wright Marcella Mckeon, Ollie Wright, Ginny Wright, Kathy McKeon, Diane Wright, Patty McKeon, Betty Wright, Roy Hunt, Elvaine Hunt
asiegler: 1972 Ollie Wright's 50th B Day w/ daughter Diane Wright
asiegler: 1972 Ollie Wright rec Knights from daughters Diane & Sue Wright
asiegler: 1972 50th B Day party for Ollie Wright. Patty McKeon, Kathy McKeon, Ollie, Daine Wright, Betty Wright and Susie Wright
asiegler: Betty Wright w/ Ollie Wright at 50th B Day Party
asiegler: Ollie Wright turns 50. Looking at card. Alice Gestwick holding drink
asiegler: 1972 Celebrating Ollie's 50th B Day Dick Gestwick w/son Ricky Gestwick and Susie Wright
asiegler: 1972 celebrating Ginny Wrights b day while camping
asiegler: 1972 celebrating Ginny Wrights b day while camping, with Snyder's Mary jo and Pat
asiegler: Susanne Wright-Siegler 6th grade picture 1972
asiegler: Sue Wright 5th grade class picture 1972
asiegler: Brownies, 1972 Ginny Wright, leader, Mrs. Cullen Assist. Leader, Sue & Kim in middle.
asiegler: Brownies 1972, Sue Wright & Mary Cullen
asiegler: Hampton Street Brownies troop 1599, Moving up ceremony to Girl Scouts.
asiegler: DSC_3648
asiegler: DSC_3644