asiegler: Oliver N.Wright's crane
asiegler: Working on te Crane
asiegler: Easter 1958 Oliver, Katherine Mc Keon, Edward McKeon, children Jerry Wright,Kathleen McKeon O'Mara
asiegler: Easter Hunt 58. Jerry Wright
asiegler: Marcella McKeon, Oliver N Wright, Ginny Wirght, children Kathleen McKeon O'Mara, Jerry Wright
asiegler: Easter 58 Katherine McKeon,Jerry Wright, Kathleen McKeon O'Mara, Marcella McKeon.
asiegler: Easter 58 Oliver S. Wright, Dagmar S.Wright with grandchildren Jerry Wright & Richard Yabsley.
asiegler: Easter 58 Fred and Nephew Richard Yabsley
asiegler: Easter 58 Oliver S. Wright with grandson's Jerry Wright and Richard Yabsley.
asiegler: Easter 58 Elvaine Wright-Hunt w/nephew Jerry Wright
asiegler: Easter 58 Grandma Cathrine McKeon, Ginny Wright with son Jerry Wright and mother-in-law Dagmar S. Wright
asiegler: DSC_5300
asiegler: Easter 58 Jerry Wright helping with the dishes.
asiegler: Easter 1958 Diane Wright, Jerry Wright
asiegler: June 1958 Jerry Wright's second B day. with cousins Kathleen McKeon O'Mara and Richard Yabsley.
asiegler: June 1958 Jerry Wright's second B day. with cousins Kathleen McKeon O'Mara and Richard Yabsley.
asiegler: 1958Jerry Wright's second B day party w/cousins Kathleen McKeon O'Mara,Richard Yabsley, James McKeon & sister Diane Wright . Adults Fred,Elvaine Wright Hunt, Dagmar Wright Yabsley
asiegler: June 1958 Jerry's second B day party w/cousins Kathleen McKeon O'Mara, Richard Yabsley,James McKeon and sister Diane Wright
asiegler: DSC_5307
asiegler: June 58 Jerry Wright's second B day.
asiegler: The cutting of the cake. Jerry Wright 1958 second b day.
asiegler: Jerry being a good host at his b day party, 1958
asiegler: Jerry Wright handing cake out at his second B day party 1958
asiegler: June 58 Jerry's second b day party, Katherine McKeon, Marcella McKeon w/Kathleen McKeon O'Mara in her arms, (lady in Blue,dont know) Elvaine Wright-Hunt, Grandma Dagmar S. Wright Jerry Wright.
asiegler: Jerry Wright having some cake at his second B day party June 58
asiegler: At Jerry's B Day party, Elvaine Wright-Hunt, Lady in blue,dont know Marcella McKeon Kathleen McKeon O;mara,Richard Yabsley. Katherine Sebeck McKeon
asiegler: Jerry Wright opening presents at second b day party 1958 w/Mother Virginia McKeon-Wright, Kathleen McKeon-O.Mara, sister Diane Wright (don't know man on right)
asiegler: Jerry Wright opening gifts in 58 at second b day party w/Mom Viriginia McKeon-Wright and sister Diane Wright. (dont know man on rt)
asiegler: Jerry Wright opening gifts in 58 at 2nd b day party w/Mom Viriginia Wright, cousin Kathleen McKeon-O.Mara and sister Diane Wright.
asiegler: June 1958 Jerry Wright's second b day party with mom Viriginia McKeon-Wright and Aunt Elvaine Wright-Hunt