asiegler: Jerry Wright's first yr Album 1956
asiegler: Jerry Wright's christening 1956 w/ mother Virginia McKeon-Wright
asiegler: Jerry Wright's christening w/godparents Jean & William Page,
asiegler: Jerry Wright's Baptism 1956 w/parents Oliver N Wright, Virginia McKeon-Wright, Godparents Jean & Bill Page
asiegler: 1956 Jerry Wright's first solid food. W/mother Virginia McKeon-Wright
asiegler: Aug 1956 Mother Viriginia McKeon Wright w/son Jerry Wright 2 mons old.
asiegler: Aug 1956 Jerry Wright In Carriage w/cousin Kathleen McKeon-O'Mara
asiegler: Jerry Wright 1956 christening party w/godparents Jean & Bill Page.
asiegler: 1956 Jerry Wright. two months old
asiegler: Sept 1956 Jerry Wright three months old.
asiegler: Sept of 1956 Jerry Wright
asiegler: Sept 1956 Jerry Wright three months old
asiegler: Oct 1956 Jerry Wright four months old
asiegler: Jerry Wright 1956 Oct
asiegler: Thanksgiving 1956 Jerry Wright five months old
asiegler: Thanksgiving 1956 Jerry Wright,five months old w/mother Ginny McKeon-Wright, Elvaine Wright-Hunt
asiegler: Thanksgiving 1956 w/Edward & Marcella McKeon w/daughter Kathleen McKeon, Dagmar Wright,w/grandson Jerry Wright
asiegler: Dec 1956 Jerry Wright w/grandfather Oliver S. Wright
asiegler: Dec 1956 Oliver N Wright w/son Jerry Wright (6 months old)
asiegler: Jerry Wright, Dec 1956 sleeping at Oceanside house.
asiegler: Christmas 1956 Jerry Wright six months first xmas.
asiegler: Xmas 1956 Jerry Wright's first xmas w/mother Ginny Wright
asiegler: Nancy Wright-Mion
asiegler: 1956 Great Aunt Mina with Katheen McKeon OMara
asiegler: Jerry Wright 1956
asiegler: Gerald Wright 1956
asiegler: Ed McKeon with daughter Katleen McKeon-O'Mara
asiegler: Marcella McKeon with daughter Kathleen McKeon 1956
asiegler: 1956 Jean Page, Katherine McKeon and Virginia Wright, baby Gerald Wright