ashraph: reflection
ashraph: golden building
ashraph: putrajaya
ashraph: reflection
ashraph: bridge
ashraph: sunway lagoon
ashraph: KL International Airport
ashraph: male' harbour
ashraph: male' harbour
ashraph: through the lens
ashraph: cat eye
ashraph: Drop an unkind word, or careless: in a minute it is gone . . .
ashraph: If the eye does not want to see, neither light nor glasses will help . . .
ashraph: feather
ashraph: looking through the mirror . . .
ashraph: calm night
ashraph: drop by drop
ashraph: twins
ashraph: Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf. . .
ashraph: specially for men
ashraph: the magic ring
ashraph: Submarines. . .
ashraph: keeps in touch . . .
ashraph: Old towN
ashraph: putrajaya
ashraph: umbro
ashraph: Hinmafushi
ashraph: orange ball
ashraph: the reflection
ashraph: hut . . . . .