ashliek: The artillery's work
ashliek: Drummer boy
ashliek: On the earthworks
ashliek: The smoke and the glory
ashliek: Soldier
ashliek: Cannon blast
ashliek: White flower
ashliek: Boone Hall Plantation flowers
ashliek: Leaving the battle
ashliek: The flags they fought for
ashliek: Someone left their belt behind
ashliek: Union camp
ashliek: A patriotic camp
ashliek: Union approach in the skirmish
ashliek: skirmish
ashliek: Horseback soldier
ashliek: Have horse and cigar, will skirmish.
ashliek: Skirmishing with swords
ashliek: Union soldier in prayer
ashliek: Attacking the Confederates
ashliek: Preparing to fire
ashliek: The battlefield in blue
ashliek: Ole' Doc Bell's Wizard Elixir wants you to join!
ashliek: A quick nap
ashliek: Guarding guns
ashliek: The Battlefield
ashliek: A second of battle
ashliek: Line of fire
ashliek: Directing the soldiers
ashliek: A soldier's look