Ashley Lauren: Hot cocoa!
Ashley Lauren: Nightly hot cocoa at the cabin—Peppermint!
Ashley Lauren: Linda and her knitting!
Ashley Lauren: Troy has his angry face on at the Wii
Ashley Lauren: Matthew not happy the Wii isn't working
Ashley Lauren: Fooseball challenge
Ashley Lauren: Time for some Whoonu
Ashley Lauren: Sisters! Me and Alicia!
Ashley Lauren: Playing Whoonu!
Ashley Lauren: Matthew and Troy
Ashley Lauren: Matthew and Troy
Ashley Lauren: Alicia, Matthew, Troy and me
Ashley Lauren: Me and Troy
Ashley Lauren: Me and Troy
Ashley Lauren: Trying to get a nice pic with Troy
Ashley Lauren: Me and our nephew Alex
Ashley Lauren: Trying to snuggle Alex
Ashley Lauren: Our bathroom
Ashley Lauren: No kids + not being pregnant=we get the kids room
Ashley Lauren: Kids room
Ashley Lauren: Movie room/crafting area
Ashley Lauren: Movie room
Ashley Lauren: Black bear
Ashley Lauren: Alex dancing!
Ashley Lauren: Loft area
Ashley Lauren: Self portrait
Ashley Lauren: Gramps with the pups