Ashley Lauren: Troy and Oliver
Ashley Lauren: Oliver's "boat"
Ashley Lauren: Uncle Troy and Alex
Ashley Lauren: Pretty toes!
Ashley Lauren: A little skeptical...
Ashley Lauren: Dad to the rescue!
Ashley Lauren: Troy helps Adelyn
Ashley Lauren: Happy Addy
Ashley Lauren: Smiley girl!
Ashley Lauren: Now Thelia is all smiles!
Ashley Lauren: Thelia and dad
Ashley Lauren: Addy pants
Ashley Lauren: Thelia and dad
Ashley Lauren: Alex blowing bubbles with Uncle Matthew
Ashley Lauren: Troy showing Addy how to float on her back
Ashley Lauren: Noodle time!
Ashley Lauren: Our little bathing beauty
Ashley Lauren: Look at that tongue!
Ashley Lauren: So sleepy
Ashley Lauren: Addy blowing bubbles
Ashley Lauren: It's hot out here!
Ashley Lauren: BIG yawn!