Ashley Lauren: Superbowl Sunday!
Ashley Lauren: Josiah's first Superbowl
Ashley Lauren: Thelia, Josiah and Adelyn
Ashley Lauren: Thelia, Josiah and Adelyn
Ashley Lauren: Thelia, Josiah and Adelyn
Ashley Lauren: Mom pops in for one!
Ashley Lauren: My turn with the kids!
Ashley Lauren: Me, Thelia, Josiah and Adelyn
Ashley Lauren: Silly faces with T
Ashley Lauren: Silly faces with T
Ashley Lauren: Oliver!
Ashley Lauren: Daddy and his boy
Ashley Lauren: Me and Troy
Ashley Lauren: Happy Superbowl!
Ashley Lauren: Hi Auntie!
Ashley Lauren: Such a cutie
Ashley Lauren: Kiera bear
Ashley Lauren: Future girlfriend/boyfriend
Ashley Lauren: Kiera and Alex
Ashley Lauren: Let me touch your face Alex
Ashley Lauren: Kiera and Alex
Ashley Lauren: First Superbowl Kiddos
Ashley Lauren: Kiera, Josiah and Alex
Ashley Lauren: First Superbowl Kiddos
Ashley Lauren: First Superbowl Kiddos
Ashley Lauren: Tickles for Alex!!
Ashley Lauren: Me and my adorable nephew
Ashley Lauren: Matthew, the dog whisperer