Ashley Lauren: Thelia's 3rd Birthday Party, "Azul" cake!
Ashley Lauren: Thelia's 3rd Birthday Party, "Azul" cake!
Ashley Lauren: Thelia's 3rd Birthday Party, "Azul" cake!
Ashley Lauren: Dora's chocolate tree
Ashley Lauren: Alex with Uncle Troy and Auntie Ashley
Ashley Lauren: Alex with Uncle Troy and Auntie Ashley
Ashley Lauren: Adelyn checking out Alex
Ashley Lauren: Thelia has her sad face on!
Ashley Lauren: Still looks kind of sad
Ashley Lauren: Opening the Barbie cash register we got her
Ashley Lauren: Excited!
Ashley Lauren: Alex with mommy and daddy
Ashley Lauren: Little Addy pants with her chocolate kiss hat
Ashley Lauren: Already scanning things!
Ashley Lauren: Uncle Troy gave her real money
Ashley Lauren: All the kids by the chocolate tree
Ashley Lauren: Me and Alex who is unhappy with me for some reason!
Ashley Lauren: Thelia with her Azul train cake
Ashley Lauren: Happy 3rd Birthday!!
Ashley Lauren: Showing us how old she is
Ashley Lauren: Showing us again with crossed eyes!
Ashley Lauren: Alex is happier now!
Ashley Lauren: Uncle Troy and Thelia!
Ashley Lauren: Our girl is all grown up!
Ashley Lauren: Kisses for the birthday girl!