Ashley Lauren: Baby Kiera Catherine Ring, our newest neighbor!
Ashley Lauren: Baby Kiera Catherine Ring, our newest neighbor!
Ashley Lauren: Baby Kiera Catherine Ring, our newest neighbor!
Ashley Lauren: Josh taking a picture or Troy taking a picture of him. Phew!
Ashley Lauren: Oh, Oliver!
Ashley Lauren: What a cute puppy
Ashley Lauren: Jeremy Burns
Ashley Lauren: Troy, not looking excited for the Drive-In
Ashley Lauren: I am clearly excited!
Ashley Lauren: Tiffany and her monster cookie
Ashley Lauren: Me with my monster cookie
Ashley Lauren: Thelia!
Ashley Lauren: Rachel, Kiera and Me
Ashley Lauren: Josh, Kiera and Rachel
Ashley Lauren: Recreating the same pic from 17 years ago...
Ashley Lauren: Max sleeping in his favorite spot
Ashley Lauren: Such cute little feeties
Ashley Lauren: All my babies snuggling!
Ashley Lauren: Aurora and Jackson
Ashley Lauren: Oliver in Dad's clothes
Ashley Lauren: Oliver and his little doe eyes
Ashley Lauren: Princess Aurora
Ashley Lauren: Daddy and Aurora
Ashley Lauren: One of Aurora's favorite spots
Ashley Lauren: Me and my coworker Jake. We look great together.
Ashley Lauren: Caribou Marketing Summer 2009
Ashley Lauren: Thelia and new baby Nacho
Ashley Lauren: Thelia and new baby Nacho
Ashley Lauren: Baby Olive