Ashley Lauren: Thelia and Troy put together a Princess puzzle
Ashley Lauren: The Johnson Family on New Year's Eve
Ashley Lauren: Jonas, Thelia, Adelyn and Esther
Ashley Lauren: Us with our girls on New Year's Eve
Ashley Lauren: There's a smile from Addy
Ashley Lauren: Tickles!
Ashley Lauren: Matthew and Alicia with the girls
Ashley Lauren: Trying for a self portrait
Ashley Lauren: Now with Adelyn!
Ashley Lauren: Oliver!
Ashley Lauren: Loving her
Ashley Lauren: Nice face Troy
Ashley Lauren: Family pic!
Ashley Lauren: Family pic! Happy New Year 2010!
Ashley Lauren: Troy's fridge art
Ashley Lauren: More puzzles
Ashley Lauren: Adelyn petting Oliver
Ashley Lauren: Licks for Addy
Ashley Lauren: This is how big Esther's belly is today!
Ashley Lauren: And now Thelia wants to try!
Ashley Lauren: Silly T
Ashley Lauren: Best Friends
Ashley Lauren: Last picture before Josiah was born