Ashley Lauren: Aurora modeling her old witch costume
Ashley Lauren: Oliver being a pumpkin again
Ashley Lauren: Aurora hating her witch costume
Ashley Lauren: And Max hating his lobster costume
Ashley Lauren: Jackson thinks he's dead
Ashley Lauren: Killing the lobster!
Ashley Lauren: We were photographers for Halloween
Ashley Lauren: Happy Halloween!
Ashley Lauren: Star Wars
Ashley Lauren: Mankato cheerleader
Ashley Lauren: Troy and Eric
Ashley Lauren: Me and Annie
Ashley Lauren: Betty Rubble
Ashley Lauren: All of us!
Ashley Lauren: Smoke machines make it hard to get a good picture
Ashley Lauren: Me and my Liz!
Ashley Lauren: Aurora is a French Maid. HATES it.
Ashley Lauren: Max the turtle!!
Ashley Lauren: All the babies in their costumes
Ashley Lauren: Jackson is clearly enjoying being a shark
Ashley Lauren: So happy with us....
Ashley Lauren: My chubby boy
Ashley Lauren: Oliver, the squirrel!!
Ashley Lauren: The best pic I could get of the 4 of them
Ashley Lauren: Aurora hates her life
Ashley Lauren: Me and my babies