Ashley Lauren: Us with Alex on Troy's birthday
Ashley Lauren: Alex is getting so big!
Ashley Lauren: Nice mustache
Ashley Lauren: Drew and Troy
Ashley Lauren: Not sure
Ashley Lauren: Troy opening his present from Adam
Ashley Lauren: Maxim...
Ashley Lauren: Beer...
Ashley Lauren: Durex...
Ashley Lauren: And the best part, "Troy's Birthday Toolbib"
Ashley Lauren: Trying it on
Ashley Lauren: IMG_0683
Ashley Lauren: Thanks, Adam!
Ashley Lauren: And a cigar.
Ashley Lauren: Even a place for the "power tool"
Ashley Lauren: Time to light the candles!
Ashley Lauren: A little creepy...
Ashley Lauren: Birthday Boy
Ashley Lauren: Make a wish!
Ashley Lauren: The Burnseseseses
Ashley Lauren: Me and Tiffany
Ashley Lauren: BMFs for LIFE!
Ashley Lauren: Troy chillin' with Auntie Liz
Ashley Lauren: Trying to take a serious pic with Troy–take 1
Ashley Lauren: FINALLY! Take 6