Ashley Lauren: Tia and her S'mores cupcake
Ashley Lauren: Sad face
Ashley Lauren: Show us your teeth Tia!
Ashley Lauren: Baby Addy and her puffers
Ashley Lauren: Troy and baby Addy
Ashley Lauren: The Johnsons!
Ashley Lauren: Alicia, Tiffany, Me, Esther and Heidi
Ashley Lauren: The girls
Ashley Lauren: Trying to set up the self timer
Ashley Lauren: Can't quite get the camera right
Ashley Lauren: Happy New Year!!
Ashley Lauren: Me and my baby!
Ashley Lauren: Our little family
Ashley Lauren: Jeremy and Tiffany
Ashley Lauren: Troy jumping in the picture
Ashley Lauren: Jonas and Esther
Ashley Lauren: Scary eyes!
Ashley Lauren: Troy trying to make a heart
Ashley Lauren: Oliver is super tiny!
Ashley Lauren: Heidi and Brandon
Ashley Lauren: Matthew and Alicia
Ashley Lauren: Matthew and Alicia
Ashley Lauren: Our family minus the kitties