Ashley Lauren: Merry Christmas!
Ashley Lauren: Aunt Yvonne, Me, Megan
Ashley Lauren: Nicole and Buddy
Ashley Lauren: Uncle Mike
Ashley Lauren: Troy says peace
Ashley Lauren: Pop says two thumbs up for Christmas!
Ashley Lauren: Megan and Uncle John
Ashley Lauren: Time for food!
Ashley Lauren: Pop and Uncle Mike nap after lunch
Ashley Lauren: Nana and Pop
Ashley Lauren: Troy opens
Ashley Lauren: Fun socks from Troy
Ashley Lauren: Aunt Yvonne gets Mamma Mia!
Ashley Lauren: Aunt Barb and Uncle Mike
Ashley Lauren: Megan and Uncle John
Ashley Lauren: Aunt Yvonne puts on her socks from Troy
Ashley Lauren: Dad's turn
Ashley Lauren: Buddy is out
Ashley Lauren: Aunt Bonnie
Ashley Lauren: My turn!
Ashley Lauren: Fuzzy socks!