ashley marie's photos:
In our own little world [1/366]
ashley marie's photos:
{2/366} California's Gold
ashley marie's photos:
3 of 366 Industrial-sized sunrise
ashley marie's photos:
Day Four o' Three Sixty Six - "Imagination is the highest kite one can fly"
ashley marie's photos:
Day 5/366 "Weeds are nature's graffiti" - Janice Maeditere
ashley marie's photos:
[6-366] "Through the fog there is hope in the distance"
ashley marie's photos:
7/366 "Hell is full of musical amateurs." - George Bernard Shaw & King Harobed
ashley marie's photos:
:: 8:366 :: Shine on
ashley marie's photos:
{9/366} Today is your day, your mountain is waiting
ashley marie's photos:
because two people fell in love. day 10.
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Day 11. Happy Thirsty-Thursday Eve.
ashley marie's photos:
12/366 Long Hard Nights
ashley marie's photos:
13:366 Morning Dew
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Day 14. Sexy Bitch
ashley marie's photos:
15:366 <3 My Best Friend <3
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Sixteen. An old pic for an old gal
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Day 17: Do all things with love.
ashley marie's photos:
18-366 she sales sea shells by the jer-sea shore.
ashley marie's photos:
19/366 Pure Love.
ashley marie's photos:
Senior Daze. Day 20.
ashley marie's photos:
21/366: Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass... its about learning to dance in the rain
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22:366 Happy 21st Birthday Grandma! :)
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Patience is key. Day 23.
ashley marie's photos:
Say I'm a bird {Day Twenty Four}
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The Bridges of Fresno County. 25:366
ashley marie's photos:
27-366 Play on King Harobed, play on
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{26:366} Life is beautiful and so are we.
ashley marie's photos:
::28:366:: "MMmm that IZ a tastey burger!"
ashley marie's photos:
Day Twenty Nine. A beautiful day for a beautiful friend.
ashley marie's photos:
day 30. [A] is for Ariel