Ashley Brown: Milky Way over Adliswil
Ashley Brown: timelapse-55frames.mp4
Ashley Brown: DSCF9239.jpg
Ashley Brown: Milky Way
Ashley Brown: adliswil-milkyway.jpg
Ashley Brown: DSCF9923-star-overlay.jpg
Ashley Brown: The Orion Constellation over Felsenegg, Adliswil, Switzerland
Ashley Brown: DSCF9923-star-overlay-2.jpg
Ashley Brown: orange-composition.jpg
Ashley Brown: Milky Way over the Alps from Uetliberg
Ashley Brown: Milky Way rises over Uluru
Ashley Brown: Milky Way rises over Uluru
Ashley Brown: Alpha and Beta Centauri, Coalsack and the Southern Cross above Uluru
Ashley Brown: Milky Way over the Field of Light
Ashley Brown: Milky Way rises over Breithorn and Tschingelhoren, from Wengen
Ashley Brown: The "Super Moon" sets behind Restaurant Felsenegg
Ashley Brown: Croydon at Night
Ashley Brown: Venus beneath the new Felsenegg transmission tower
Ashley Brown: The Moon, Jupiter and Venus over the Felsenegg transmission tower