ashleigh44: all my glassware is old jars and old wine bottles ahahah
ashleigh44: P1060126.JPG
ashleigh44: P1050905.JPG
ashleigh44: beed 2 hang up!
ashleigh44: industrial sewing machine table
ashleigh44: loaner couch from friend
ashleigh44: P1050658.JPG
ashleigh44: need 2 finish
ashleigh44: necessary Ferrell
ashleigh44: P1050647.JPG
ashleigh44: calculator found on s. 3rd curb, weird hutch on curb last year on harrison pl.
ashleigh44: new kitchen/big living room! hall view, new fridge coming
ashleigh44: new stove courtesy of crackhead theif tennant
ashleigh44: P1050653.JPG
ashleigh44: found under door
ashleigh44: never got around to painting on top of after created collage base
ashleigh44: mess level: 2
ashleigh44: P1050661.JPG
ashleigh44: who needs a sink in their bathroom anyway?
ashleigh44: new stove/ fridge courtesy of crackhead theif tennant
ashleigh44: faux-patio
ashleigh44: ceiling hall carvings of my 110yr old building
ashleigh44: apartment stairwell
ashleigh44: MY NEW BUILDING!!!
ashleigh44: P1050901.JPG
ashleigh44: P1050903.JPG