ashengrove: Flowers
ashengrove: Scene in Metal in Dong Men
ashengrove: Old Lao Jie
ashengrove: Old Lao Jie
ashengrove: Ee & Jackfruit
ashengrove: Mom and Ee in front of Di Wang
ashengrove: Di Wang
ashengrove: Surprise! Happy Birthday
ashengrove: Mom's Birthday
ashengrove: Mom and her birthday cake
ashengrove: Happy Birthday!
ashengrove: Mom's Birthday cake
ashengrove: Dong Men
ashengrove: Ee in Dong Men
ashengrove: Mom on playground
ashengrove: Mom and Ee working out
ashengrove: Jason and Ee race
ashengrove: Wax on, wax off
ashengrove: Comparing techniques
ashengrove: Lao Wai gives it a try
ashengrove: Lao Wai gives it a try
ashengrove: It's my aeroplane.
ashengrove: Ice cream gang
ashengrove: Tiny mango
ashengrove: Tiny Mango
ashengrove: Dinner time
ashengrove: DSCN2314.JPG
ashengrove: DSCN2313.JPG
ashengrove: Lian Hua Shan