ascendent: the Chinese pavilion
ascendent: the Themed Pavilion
ascendent: stacked crates as apartments
ascendent: the house of doors
ascendent: stacked filing drawers as high-rise offices
ascendent: the ultimate library
ascendent: the UK pavilion
ascendent: the UK pavilion
ascendent: the Australia pavilion
ascendent: the Belarus pavilion
ascendent: the Bosnia-Herzegovina pavilion
ascendent: the Spanish pavilion
ascendent: the rear of the UK pavilion
ascendent: the UK pavilion
ascendent: the Danish pavilion
ascendent: The German pavilion
ascendent: the Polish pavilion
ascendent: the Swiss pavilion
ascendent: the Irish pavilion
ascendent: the Norwegian pavilion
ascendent: the Ukranian pavilion
ascendent: the Icelandic pavilion
ascendent: the Swedish pavilion
ascendent: the Turkish pavilion
ascendent: the Thai pavilion
ascendent: the Malaysian pavilion
ascendent: the New Zealand pavilion
ascendent: the Pacific Nations pavilion
ascendent: the Nepalese pavilion
ascendent: the Saudi Arabian pavilion