WorldTravellerASB: Border closing ceremony
WorldTravellerASB: Dogs doing tricks at the border closing ceremony
WorldTravellerASB: Border closing ceremony
WorldTravellerASB: Border closing ceremony
WorldTravellerASB: Border closing ceremony
WorldTravellerASB: Border Ceremony
WorldTravellerASB: The border ceremony felt more like being at a football game
WorldTravellerASB: Lowering the flags at the border closing ceremony
WorldTravellerASB: The closing of the gate at the border ceremony
WorldTravellerASB: On the Ganges River in Varanasi
WorldTravellerASB: Baby goat in Varanasi
WorldTravellerASB: Water Buffalo in Varanasi going into the Ganges River
WorldTravellerASB: Boy hits water buffalo with stick to get them to go back in the river
WorldTravellerASB: Goat coughing in Varanasi
WorldTravellerASB: Cows in Varanasi
WorldTravellerASB: Traffic on a narrow street/walkway in Varanasi
WorldTravellerASB: Monkeys playing on the power lines in Varanasi
WorldTravellerASB: Evening ceremony in Varanasi
WorldTravellerASB: Cow walking down the street
WorldTravellerASB: Traffic in Varanasi
WorldTravellerASB: View of Jaipur from the Iswari Minar Swarga Sal minaret
WorldTravellerASB: View of Jaipur and its traffic from the Iswari Minar Swarga Sal minaret
WorldTravellerASB: View of Jantar Mantar and the hills around Jaipur from the Hawa Mahal
WorldTravellerASB: A protest march in Delhi
WorldTravellerASB: On the rooftop of the Woodsvilla Resort in the low lying Himmalaya
WorldTravellerASB: Goat eating leaves and women collecting wood
WorldTravellerASB: View of the Himmalaya from the Binsar Bird Sanctuary in Uttarakhand
WorldTravellerASB: On Safari in Corbett National Park
WorldTravellerASB: Deer eating leaving in Corbett National Park
WorldTravellerASB: Wild boar crossing the road while on Safari in Corbett National Park