JudyKeith2009: B80H7935
JudyKeith2009: DSC06152
JudyKeith2009: DSC06150
JudyKeith2009: DSC_2649
JudyKeith2009: Montetree
JudyKeith2009: montebeansnow
JudyKeith2009: DSCN2694
JudyKeith2009: bean cute
JudyKeith2009: bean pondering
JudyKeith2009: bean standing
JudyKeith2009: DSCN2392
JudyKeith2009: DSCN2695
JudyKeith2009: DSCN3149
JudyKeith2009: Pi logs
JudyKeith2009: Pi lean
JudyKeith2009: Goats at Ferns
JudyKeith2009: Dan and Stinkies
JudyKeith2009: Kale and friends
JudyKeith2009: all boys
JudyKeith2009: DSCN3141
JudyKeith2009: studmuffins
JudyKeith2009: Monte glory
JudyKeith2009: king of the hill
JudyKeith2009: boys on logs pi monte
JudyKeith2009: wrestling
JudyKeith2009: 2boys studs
JudyKeith2009: body shape
JudyKeith2009: standing and fighting