tresselball: Koprol Team
tresselball: Yahoo! Media Luncheon
tresselball: Yahoo! Media Luncheon
tresselball: Yahoo! Media Luncheon
tresselball: Yahoo! Media Luncheon
tresselball: Yahoo! Media Luncheon
tresselball: Yahoo! Media Luncheon
tresselball: Yahoo! Media Luncheon
tresselball: Monday afternoon at KMC
tresselball: Working Space
tresselball: Pantry / Meeting / Power Nap Room
tresselball: Meeting Room C
tresselball: Meeting Room B
tresselball: Scrum Wall
tresselball: This room has witnessed a whole lot of awesome things!
tresselball: Last Entrance #forthelasttime
tresselball: The view from the loo