arvind agrawal: Mixed family - IMG_2670-1
arvind agrawal: Western Grebe feeding - IMG_1594-1
arvind agrawal: Yaaaay! Got a fish !!!!!!!!!!!! - IMG_1665-1
arvind agrawal: Mixed family Portrait - IMG_2361-1
arvind agrawal: Mixed family - IMG_2814-1
arvind agrawal: Western Grebes - IMG_1880-1
arvind agrawal: Western Grebes - IMG_1051-1
arvind agrawal: Western and Clark's Grebes family - IMG_2661-1
arvind agrawal: Western Grebes Courtship Dance (Rushing) - IMG_2042-1
arvind agrawal: Western Grebe - Ye Loco, Don't come any closer - IMG_7336
arvind agrawal: Western Grebe on nest - IMG_7011
arvind agrawal: Western Grebes - IMG_7133
arvind agrawal: Western Grebe on nest - IMG_7485
arvind agrawal: Neighbors Scuffle - IMG_7656
arvind agrawal: Western Grebe - IMG_0077
arvind agrawal: Western Grebe - IMG_0156
arvind agrawal: Western Grebe's family - IMG_1944-1
arvind agrawal: Western Grebe - IMG_2224-1
arvind agrawal: Feeding time - IMG_2256
arvind agrawal: Grebes in Love - IMG_7405-1
arvind agrawal: Crazy eyes - IMG_7300
arvind agrawal: Guarding the nest - IMG_6981-1
arvind agrawal: Western Grebe - IMG_7008
arvind agrawal: Weed Ceremony - IMG_7508
arvind agrawal: Western Grebes - IMG_7191-1
arvind agrawal: Go away - IMG_7704-1
arvind agrawal: IMG_4088
arvind agrawal: Hey Get off my back - IMG_2103-1
arvind agrawal: Weed Dance gone wrong - IMG_7433-1
arvind agrawal: Waaakeup, play time - IMG_4248-1