arup: Ma and Moumita working at the alpona
arup: Bablidi in her wedding dress
arup: Bablidi with Sunny
arup: Bablidi with Sunny and meshomoshai
arup: Bablidi with Sunny and Shruti
arup: Receiving the groom
arup: Shubho Drishti
arup: Mala Bodol
arup: Wedding rituals
arup: My Parents
arup: Gautamda and Shomitda
arup: Boto kaka Uma kakima
arup: Bablidi and Chandanda
arup: Family bidding goodbye
arup: Blessings from mother
arup: Blessings from mashi
arup: Leaving home
arup: Reception at the in-laws'
arup: Phul Shojya Evening
arup: Ready for the party
arup: Group at Boubhaat
arup: Mamoni's happy family