Arun S Pillai: White fronted tern
Arun S Pillai: White fronted tern
Arun S Pillai: Cold winter mornings
Arun S Pillai: Spotted Dove
Arun S Pillai: Shake it off
Arun S Pillai: Skirmish
Arun S Pillai: Tui.. The tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) is an endemic passerine bird of New Zealand. Picture taken from Auckland botanic gardens.
Arun S Pillai: Mr.White.
Arun S Pillai: Lady at the window
Arun S Pillai: Common Sandpiper
Arun S Pillai: The game
Arun S Pillai: In search of a good catch
Arun S Pillai: The old man and his ride